Sometimes called Thermal Auricular Therapy, Hopi Ear Candling is a pain-free, non-invasive, and safe treatment to release pressure inside the head.
Gentle, soft, and relaxing, this treatment is suitable for everyone, even children, and can help to relieve a variety of conditions including congested sinuses, colds and flu, deafness due to ear wax build-up, migraine, headaches, and tinnitus.
During the treatment, you will lie comfortably on your side with the candle placed horizontally into your outer ear. When the candle is ignited and burns down, you’ll experience a warm sensation as the heat softens the wax and debris inside the ear canal while creating a pleasant massage effect on your eardrum. Of course, our skilled therapists ensure your optimal safety at all times while guaranteeing maximum effectiveness of your treatment.
To find out more about Hopi Ear Candling at Prested Hall, get in touch with the JN Massage team today.